About this IRC® + IRC4HR® Project
On December 2, 2022, MIT Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER) and the Worker Empowerment Research Network (WERN, a multi-university group of faculty and graduate students) will convene a unique multi-stakeholder conference of leaders and policymakers from the labor movement, nonprofit organizations, academia, business, and government.
Together, these leaders will examine current developments and the future of worker voice and representation in the U.S. The agenda will include presentations of recent research – related to the current wave of worker activism – complemented by small group discussions, with a goal to foster robust discussion across groups that bring different perspectives and organizational responsibilities to current employment relations issues.
To date, discussions of these issues have taken place largely within various stakeholder groups, but this gathering aims to be the first effort to facilitate a conversation about the future of worker voice and representation across these groups.
This is a critical moment for leaders from different stakeholder groups to be in dialogue about the future of workers and work.
IRC4HR® is pleased to be a sponsor of this important exchange.