As digital technology makes its way into every aspect of business and society, organizations are challenged to transform their operating and business models to stay competitive – or just to survive. Despite the exploding literature on the subject, and the mushrooming of advisory services that promise solutions, questions remain on how to best define digital transformation, how to navigate the digital transformation process, and who should spearhead the transformational efforts. There is broad consensus, however, that successful digital transformation requires a multifaceted systemic effort that fundamentally challenges the managerial routines of the 21st century organization.

This study explores, through deep-dive interviews, how senior executives from functions that are relevant in the digital transformation process perceive the related leadership and organizational challenges (with special emphasis on cross-boundary collaboration).

Roland is a Senior Drucker Fellow and the Founder of the Center for the Future of Organization (CFFO), an independent think tank at the Drucker School of Management, Claremont University. The CFFO serves as a global hub for applied research and practical discourse on new paradigms of leadership and organization with a special focus on the role of digital technologies as drivers of competitive advantage.

Prior to his engagement with the Drucker School, Roland served for ten years as a Senior Fellow with the Center for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California (USC). He is also the founder and chairman of the Executive Corporate Learning Forum (ECLF), a global network of more than sixty major multinational organizations from fourteen countries that jointly explore how to develop and sustain strategic capabilities in fast-changing environments.

In addition to the CFFO and the ECLF, you can learn more about Roland and his research and publications at his website,

IRC® + IRC4HR® Project Publications and Learning Materials

Digital Transformation Challenges in Large and Complex Organizations

This report outlines nine major, interdependent areas leaders must pay attention to, and provides insights on key elements of the complex transformational journey towards digital maturity.
(28 pages)

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